We constantly blame our health issues on external circumstances, stress of work, conflict in relationships, accidents or even bad luck! However if we look deeply we will find out that all external circumstances have as their source some aspect of the internal workings of our mind, our body and spirit. It is our thoughts and the actions that arise out of our thoughts that create these health issues, not necessarily immediately, but over a period of time the thoughts and actions erode our immune system and we begin to experience small breakdowns and are the precursors of larger breakdowns.
In eN-Health we explore how we can live long healthy lives, how we can literally reverse the ageing process. We practice profound meditations that strip negative energies from our bodies. We discover how our mental set ups contribute to our early ageing and what we can do to increase our healthy life span.
The best way to change the internal energies is to strip out old negative energies and replace them with high frequency energies. It has been scientifically proven that courses with Paramahamsa Nithyananda do just this.
Especially in the area of health, scientific results show that:
- Brain wave patterns become more meditative
- Cellular energy increases dramatically
- Health issues have spontaneous remission in a high percentage of cases
- Allergies are cured
- Depression disappears
- Many psychological issues are resolved
- Anti-ageing is noticed
eN-Health Testimonials
Body is very light and active
- N., Madhya Pradesh
My energy level has increased and I sleep less but I am fresh and active.
- A., Texas, USA
Physically feeling stronger and energetic.
- G., Los Angeles
Was cured from Allergy to Black Pepper
- R., Mexico
For more details about the program or to register, please contact098860 92245
082774 90091
092436 06819 Or sign up in the pre-registration form. You will be contacted by the program registration team.